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User profile: Zeldami

User info
User name:Zeldami
Joined:Jan 24, 2010 at 9:36pm
Number of posts:22
Latest posts:

While staring at your last post, I really can't find the difference, it looks exactly the same? Am ...

Cut off numbers/words
Thanks =) Now I remember I've seen that before =D

Cut off numbers/words
Hi people, I'd like to know if (and how) you can cut off numbers and words. Example: I have: [out...

Experienced Programmers Pls See This
I think you should pull ptr++ (line 116) within the else instead of none, because now your not using...

Experienced Programmers Pls See This
Lol, you should be glad if the experienced dudes replying on the forum won't read this code, they w...