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User profile: Werevampiwolf

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User name:Werevampiwolf
Joined:Sep 5, 2018 at 3:53pm
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

While Loops with math
Yes, I know how to multiply. The second part was an example of how he teaches. The part of his teach...

While Loops with math
I need help with while loops containing math. We're supposed to read the codes given and put the ans...

Incrementals WITH other math functions?
I literally copied and pasted the part before the blank lines directly from the assignment. @Mikeyb...

Incrementals WITH other math functions?
If the value of a is 5, what are the values of b and c? c = 10*(++a); b = 10*(a++); ...

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User: Werevampiwolf

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