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User profile: Voroshek

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User name:Voroshek
Joined:Apr 13, 2012 at 11:46am
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

Diffirent methods in the class trough pointer
Thank for correction. I see yet the template is not good in my case. Is other way?

Diffirent methods in the class trough pointer
Hallo. I will make the class with diffirent methods. I make this by this manual http://alenacpp.blo...

segmentation fault
What is the [i]'n'[/i]? I have a problem if I pass [i]char[/i] in [i]'n'[/i]

To write/read data in file

To write/read data in file
Hi, i will write and read the data in file like so: [code]VALUE1=0 VALUE2=blablabla[/code] I see suc...

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User: Voroshek

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