User profile: Vitesze

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User name:Vitesze
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

If Statements and strings
I really should check over my code better...the = was of course a typo. Thanks for the simplificati...

If Statements and strings
I'm new to learning C++ and am currently working through Stroustrup's Principles and Practice book. ...

Switch statement - are variables always retained?
I wouldn't make it 'fall through', but put something like: [code]case ONE: x = 10; state = ...

Switch statement - are variables always retained?
I probably need to explain it a bit better, as I see some difference in the way the switch state is ...

Switch statement - are variables always retained?
I'm working on a piece of code in which I make use of a switch-statement, and I was hoping to have t...

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User: Vitesze

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