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User profile: Viraldude

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User name:Viraldude
Joined:Dec 16, 2013 at 12:41am
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Constructor inheritance.
I googled this topic but everything I came across wasn't what I wanted. I am trying out the example ...

Issue with cout for a char array. Appearance of weird character
That worked. Thank you very much!

Issue with cout for a char array. Appearance of weird character
My countChar(char string[]) is: [code] int countChar(char String[]) { int length = 0; while (Strin...

Issue with cout for a char array. Appearance of weird character
I used the following code to reverse a char array (string). String itself is reversed but at the end...

How can I go to beginning and repeat code?
@Sargon94 You can definitely do that but C++ doesn't recommend you doing it. It also eats up memory....

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User: Viraldude

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