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User profile: Tier

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User name:Tier
Joined:May 21, 2011 at 1:38am
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

C++ Help
1st - don't put code in external websites. Whoever comes here later won't be able to benefit from th...

Need help w/ BUG in Consumer Producer lab
OMG that was it! :D the correct line of code is: [code]head = (head + 1) % maxSize; [/code] You're ...

Need help w/ BUG in Consumer Producer lab
Since I couldn't post the whole code in a single post, here's the rest of the code: [code] /********...

Need help w/ BUG in Consumer Producer lab
hey guys, for one of my classes, we're learning semaphores and pthreads. So, I wrote everything and ...

Help w/ Binary Tree Traversal (prefix / postfix)
oh, dang LOL I must be blind! thx for the help! the problem was that when I copy/pasted, I forgot to...

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User: Tier

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