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User profile: TarikNeaj

User info
User name:TarikNeaj
Name:Tarik Neaj
Joined:Sep 16, 2014 at 10:45am
Number of posts:2580
Latest posts:

How to set brightness for one specific monitor
Good day everyone, I'll try my best to describe my issue. I'm writing a software with Visual C++ .N...

Need help with weekly pay calculator
You forgot to mention what you need help with. http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/articles/1295/

C++ Tutoring
If you have a discord, and know how to ask specific questions so I can respond properly, then I woul...

If, Else infinite loop help, C++
Check out the answer in this thread - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5655142/how-to-check-if-in...

[Boost].DI template injection does not work as expected
It would be nice if you could tell us why it does not compile, we can't read minds. What's the erro...