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User profile: Suzanne

User info
User name:Suzanne
Joined:Jan 20, 2010 at 3:09pm
Number of posts:56
Latest posts:

Unexplainable Error
I revised the code & realise that allocation to the dynamic array tellArray is impossible. Compiler ...

Unexplainable Error
The error I get is I am accesing a memory space beyond the allocated memory but the array tellArray ...

Unexplainable Error
My Header: [code]#ifndef QUEUE #define QUEUE #include <iostream> using namespace std; typed...

Unexplainable Error
My Queue: [code]#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "Bank.h" Queue::Queue() { ...

Unexplainable Error
I have this program where I m trying to stimulate a queue. The program goes into an infinite loop, I...