User profile: Sucho

User info
User name:Sucho
Name:Suchandrim Sarkar
Number of posts:26
Latest posts:

Passing Dynamically Allocated array in function
I tried using the first process you told, i.e using (int* a,int row,int col). But there is an error ...

Passing Dynamically Allocated array in function
I havn't done vectors yet, and the process seems different from that of array's. Although i tried do...

Passing Dynamically Allocated array in function
In a program I'm working on now, i need a milti-dimensional array. To save space, I used dynamically...

Permission Denied in Ubuntu
Well thanx problem is kinda solved! I moved the directory to home folder and then in the t...

Permission Denied in Ubuntu while running a program via Code::Blocks
I've been using Code::Blocks IDE with GCC compiler in Windows 7 without any problem. I recently inst...

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User: Sucho

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