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User profile: Stewbond

User info
User name:Stewbond
Joined:Aug 26, 2011 at 1:34pm
Number of posts:2827
Latest posts:

class: not reading private variables
The main problem is that you re-define members as locals. A local-definintion over-rides (for lack ...

C++ Code Outline
No idea what your contraints are. Here is a class to handle a swipe and increment a counter. [code]...

Compiler errors when playing with members versus references. [Boost asio]
Wow, it's the simple mistakes that really get you! Thanks.

Qt Pronounciation
So I was on the phone today with some people from Qt's Norwegian office. I kept referring to them...

Compiler errors when playing with members versus references. [Boost asio]
Consider this code which works perfectly. It opens a socket and sends a message to an IP and port: ...