User profile: StevenHans96

User info
User name:StevenHans96
Name:Steven Hansen
Bio:I am a student at Lansing Community College, and I plane on getting a degree in computer engineering. The teacher I have for C++ right now is not very good at teaching C++ she just gives you the answer if you have a question. I would like to be able to understand code and write fairly well. If you have any tips on what I should do or who's videos I show watch I'm all ears (or eyes in this case). Thank you for your help.
Number of posts:8
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Vectors and strings
yes that did it thank you, I just hope that rest of my code works now.

Vectors and strings
What I'm asking is how do I run through the string and count ever "a", "b", etc. I just tried if (...

Vectors and strings
okay so my next question is for the numbers of times a letter occurs in the statement. Can I just wr...

Vectors and strings
Oh my gosh, I feel stupid now. Thank you it didn't even think of that.

Vectors and strings
Okay so I have to write a program that will read in a line of text and output the number of words in...

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User: StevenHans96

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