User profile: Spawn Of Yallop

User info
User name:Spawn Of Yallop
Name:Tom Yallop
Location:Norwich, England
Bio:I'm doing Computer Science at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England.
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

How can I get "total" to work with my "commission" code?
writetonsharma - personalTotal is declared at the top of the code. But I dropped it into note form s...

How can I get "total" to work with my "commission" code?
Hi people. Basically, I've got this coursework that's due in for this Thursday. It's pretty much...

{} errors, not sure why!
Grey Wolf, you are a live saver! It works fine now. Thanks a lot for all your help people, I'm v...

{} errors, not sure why!
Okay, so I fixed that spelling mistake, but I'm still getting the following errors: [code] 1>c:\us...

{} errors, not sure why!
Bloody hell, I didn't even realise that! Hahah thanks alot! Tom Yallop