User profile: SorinAlex

User info
User name:SorinAlex
Name:Paraschiv Sorin Alexandru
Bio:I am 14 years old and i like C/C++/C++/CLI/C#.
Number of posts:89
Latest posts:

Clearing cin's buffer
try while(_kbhit()) _getch(); ps: you also need to include conio.h for that .

Vector subscript out of range
OK i fixed all the problems ! Phew that was a real headache..... I will post it here on the forums w...

Vector subscript out of range
Ok after putting break point all over the place and watching how the code progresses i found out why...

Vector subscript out of range
Thanks for looking through this.I will try to debug the program and i know its easier to do in sfml ...

Vector subscript out of range
part 2 : [code]void MoveShips() { for(Dounter=0;Dounter<=3;Dounter++) for(Counter=0;Cou...