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User profile: Snhr

User info
User name:Snhr
Joined:Oct 26, 2010 at 12:05am
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Organizing My Music Library
I've been looking for a reason to get programming in C++ again, and I realized for my to get my musi...

Overloading Operators and Class Inheritance
I was wondering how I would do this, I have a class called Shape2D with overloaded + and - operators...

fstream, seekp and seekg
Thanks guevara and duoas. Maybe it's just cause I'm extremely tired I'm not getting it. I'm stil...

fstream, seekp and seekg
What makes opening a file in binary better than opening it normally?

fstream, seekp and seekg
Yeah, that helped somewhat. Most of the stuff I knew, except for the tellg and tellp and some variou...

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User: Snhr

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