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User profile: Slambofett

User info
User name:Slambofett
Bio:I am really interested in learning C++ to help me move forward with Game Development. I am very new to C++ but I have worked a lot with computers. After i finish the basic tutorial that this website has to offer i will engage in the forums to acquire more knowledge.
Joined:Dec 30, 2009 at 2:57am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Hi! I have For Loop problem!! Thanks
[code]for(counter = 1 ; counter <= days ; counter++) { total = CENT; CENT = CENT*2; cou...

void functions
Not quite sure what you are wanting, if you just want to use c1 and c2 instead of 273 and 0.179 then...

So you want to program games?
Nice article, I am new to C++ but I eventually would like to get into game programming, I have alway...

using a function to move a pointer(I think :| ).
I don't think you can change the value of a pointer inside a function without returning anything, yo...

random number while loop
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> usi...