User profile: Shishykish

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User name:Shishykish
Number of posts:140
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How to trace output?
Write a numbered list of all the steps the code is making or make a flow chart, that helps me. e.g. ...

Why am I receiving these errors about multiple definitions?
Hi MikeyBoy Some time ago I had coded a program to calculate the exponent of a complex matrix. It w...

Why am I receiving these errors about multiple definitions?
Hi MikeyBoy, I ideally want the program to respond to used input during run time and not to deal w...

Why am I receiving these errors about multiple definitions?
Hi Mikey boy I just to use the n for the size of arrays also yes! When I did put it into the array ...

Why am I receiving these errors about multiple definitions?
Hello, I omitted the namespace std where I could and just added the std:: keyword to get around to...

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User: Shishykish

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