User profile: Samqwerty17

User info
User name:Samqwerty17
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Parse Parentheses
Write a program to implement Algorithm 3-9, “Parse Parentheses,” matching braces rather than pa...

Check subset,union,intersection,difference and disjoint between two arrays
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main(); char arr[100]; char arrA...

Comparing two strings with another string
Is there any option to use built in functions to read a string and ignore the {},.#% etc ?

Comparing two strings with another string
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char U[10000]; //Array for universal set ...

Comparing two strings with another string
1.Take input for universal set as a string from console U={1,2,9,56,a,Z,99.5} //how to read the stri...

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User: Samqwerty17

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