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User profile: Ramses12

User info
User name:Ramses12
Joined:Jan 8, 2011 at 5:09pm
Number of posts:120
Latest posts:

Summing up an Array: Error
As in, the sum of all elements there? You'll need to iterate over that one too in that case.

A bit like polymorphism, but with function pointers
That's what I'm talking about. Thanks!

Summing up an Array: Error
It's not a double to int conversion problem. It's a double* to int conversion problem. Your function...

A bit like polymorphism, but with function pointers
[quote]I don't think it would be safe to allow that. Imagine the derived class having some data memb...

Binary Files
Chances are the problem is caused by the file not being located at the program's working directory. ...