How do compilers write to .exe files, and what do they write to them?Oh, I think I know what Computergeek01 was talking about. You can't write a program in 1's and 0's b...
How do compilers write to .exe files, and what do they write to them?But isn't that what compilers do? They compile the source files into object files, then link them in...
How do compilers write to .exe files, and what do they write to them?That's what I'm currently reading. I couldn't find much in that page about what assembly languages g...
How do compilers write to .exe files, and what do they write to them?I mean machine code. According to Wikipedia, the following two lines are equivalent: [code]10110000...
How do compilers write to .exe files, and what do they write to them?I want to program a simple assembly language compiler for the experience, but I don't know what comp...