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User profile: Pwego

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User name:Pwego
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Joined:Jan 1, 2013 at 7:38pm
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Infinite loop?
After each overlap, n is increased by one "n++". After you collect 3 items the loop shall end. How s...

Infinite loop?
I just get white screened when i try any while, for, or do loop. This is what i have I dont understa...

Why does this not work!?!?
Ok I have a working code which is : [code] //stage 1 (first box) if (!isitem&&!p1&&!p3){ Dra...

Getting white screen, not working
I changed it to [code] if (stage1== true){ Drawitem(itemx,itemy,0,255,0 );} if (facex-5 <...

Getting white screen, not working
With knowledge from you guys about while and if statements i cleaned up my code to this. [code] wh...

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User: Pwego

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