User profile: PichDereck

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User name:PichDereck
Number of posts:5
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Can you help me simplify those IF please
Can you explain to me how to simplify all those IF, thank you Here's the code : http://textupload...

Program to check whether a year is leap year or not
Guys, srsly ... try it with 2004 : 2004 % 4 = 0 2004 % 400 = 4 So no if the left is true the right...

[NEED HELP] Program for creating a random deck of cards
Hi guys, I need help with my code, it's a very long code and it is not working well, test it if you ...

[NEED HELP] Something wrong with functions from fstream and "cout" them.
Thanks a lot Andy, you really helped me !!! Thanks for your time I appreciate it :)

[NEED HELP] Something wrong with functions from fstream and "cout" them.
I just need to know how to solve my problem. The file is in french, but I will explain you. Just ...

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User: PichDereck

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