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User profile: Oh Hey Its Z

User info
User name:Oh Hey Its Z
Old user name:MrZ
Joined:Dec 12, 2013 at 6:33pm
Number of posts:20
Latest posts:

Help with multiplication problem
Remember [code]int[/code] is declaring an integer, which do not include decimals. In order to perfor...

What command line do I write C++ in
Code::Blocks is my go to IDE nowadays. If you want a really lightweight compiler just to do some qu...

urgent help
dhayden has a good example there. A good way to go about programs in the future is to write out wha...

urgent help
[code]double checkprice(lastd,pages);[/code] First off, prototypes tell main what data types your f...

list and array dont have capacity
I am not sure what your book means by that question. Arrays have maximum capacities. They are the se...

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User: Oh Hey Its Z

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