User profile: Nitup

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User name:Nitup
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Getting error: undefined reference to function Android NDK
I have been trying to solve this issue for more than two days, but still no luck. I have no idea ...

How to access class member and methods from static method(signal handler)
I know that is not correct way to do. But please provide (refactor) my example in correct way. Or pr...

How to access class member and methods from static method(signal handler)
I have one problem. I am writting my program on C++ language. I have one promblem. I need to set sig...

Sometimes getting segmentation fault
It seems that the problem was just in internal terminal that just exit with code 0. And before posti...

Sometimes getting segmentation fault
I think I got it. I have always problems with internal Netbeans terminal . Sometimes it doesn't prin...

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User: Nitup

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