User profile: NVTKrishna
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User name: | NVTKrishna |
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Joined: | Sep 30, 2010 at 11:17am |
Number of posts: | 27 |
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infinite loop
Member variables 'r' and 'c' are not initialized for matrix "m3" in "add", "sub"
and "tps" funtions...
Using islower [i]A=islower('name[c]'); What exactly are you trying to do here? A is a boolean. Also name[c] return...
Same function called twice, with different strings returned? Pass the thing information to 'say' funtion, i.e like below code
[code]string Fox::say(int i_thing...
Using islower Hi,
Try with this code,
[code]void ChangeToUpper(char io_String[])
for(int c=0;c<strlen(io...
Reading txt and printing wanted value Hi,
Try with the following code,
int main()
setlocale (LC_ALL , "finnish");
FILE *...
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