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User profile: MisterTams

User info
User name:MisterTams
Joined:Jul 4, 2016 at 8:01pm
Number of posts:125
Latest posts:

Link errors with my Doubly Linked List Class Template?
When I use the a non class template object like the list that I created, I don't have any problems. ...

Link errors with my Doubly Linked List Class Template?
I keep getting Link errors when trying to run my code. I have 4 LNK2019 Errors saying that there is ...

Deleting a specified value from STL queue
helios, I do pop from the queue. It is in my while loop. [code] while (!lineNumber.empty()) //emp...

Deleting a specified value from STL queue
I cannot seem to be able to delete a user inputted value from a queue (it can be any value in the qu...

Create a doubly linked list from a singly
How can I create a doubly linked list? I overall understand the concept of the singly linked list b...

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User: MisterTams

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