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User profile: Metallon

User info
User name:Metallon
Joined:Jan 4, 2011 at 3:22pm
Number of posts:86
Latest posts:

MinGW crashes when running this program
How would I allocate it on the heap? Would I write something like this? [code]int *ptr = new int[n]...

MinGW crashes when running this program
Back. Noob as always. Had to take a long break due to school. Anyway, I wrote a simple program for s...

Getting started with game programming
Self-explanatory: I want to get started with programming games. Since I want to focus as much on gam...

Has std::vector been changed...
Or is it just me who's really gone senile? This isn't working for me: [code]std::vector<int> someNu...

Exception handling
I'll try to see if I can progress at all by referring to your post. What I want to do is throw an ex...