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User profile: Megacaesar

User info
User name:Megacaesar
Bio:I am trying to learn C++ because I like the language. It would be most appropriate to call me a hobbyist.

I can also write in Batch language, with more proficiency than C++.

My short-term goal is to port a personal project from Batch to C++ (because I simply can not solve several issues in Batch).
Joined:Jul 5, 2013 at 10:14am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

looking to start a beginner programming team
How would you like to set up this team? For instance- How would we quickly share our code with each ...

Is there a simpler way for me to make this?
Have you tried following the C++ language tutorial? http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ I'm a '...

Is there a simpler way for me to make this?
It might be a good idea to take some more time to type out your questions. I hope that I understood ...

Is there a simpler way for me to make this?
I am working on a game which, while very different from your game, at least uses some sort of 'map s...

Prime Number program not working!
Aside from the comment you received, I would like to give you the advice to use more detailed variab...