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User profile: Maxtremus

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User name:Maxtremus
Joined:Jun 12, 2008 at 10:49pm
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

How to read .pgm format file?
I still didn't get it how to use this getline(), it's atributes are (FILE, char/string)? And abou...

How to read .pgm format file?
Here is the code i did... [code] void func(){ FILE *pArq; pArq = fopen("j.pgm", "ab"...

How to read .pgm format file?
Sorry, I didn't understand it very much, this getline() function as I read doesn't have a file type ...

How to read .pgm format file?
I'd like to know how to read the .pgm (pixel gray map) file, for the one who doest'nt know [code]...

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User: Maxtremus

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