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User profile: Katyayn

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User name:Katyayn
Joined:Aug 4, 2013 at 6:51pm
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Windows 8 Backdoor WITHOUT using command prompt.
any body tell bout this windows 8 backdoor Without using the command prompt??!!

Can't get my code to compile
yup superdude is right 162 is out for kill.. and yes he didn't return zero

How to make C++ Program exit as soon as we enter a specific key?
Sorry about this himansh.. but EssGeEich can you please look into my problem namely Walkies Trick

How to make C++ Program exit as soon as we enter a specific key?
Enlighten me please... new to much of the things...

How to make C++ Program exit as soon as we enter a specific key?
So basically you want the loop to loop infinitely until you press a key... hmmm interesting...... y...

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User: Katyayn

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