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User profile: Kangaroux

User info
User name:Kangaroux
Joined:Nov 23, 2009 at 1:02am
Number of posts:34
Latest posts:

Difference between cout and return!!
[code]std::string HelloWorld( ) { return "Hello world!"; } int main( ) { cout << HelloWorl...

How to create a simple list?
[code]void isfull(const Item & it) { if(top == MAX) cout<<"List is full\n; }[/code] ...

Function that prints only records containing B or b?
Something along these lines: [code]if(patient_info[i].Patient_name.strFind('b') != string::npos |...

Some linker errors I don't understand
[code]#include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/glu.h> [/code] Unless you have the files locally in your p...

cmd prompt disappears
Refrain from using system() commands. Stick with cin.get();

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User: Kangaroux

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