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User profile: KVin

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User name:KVin
Joined:Oct 14, 2016 at 2:22pm
Number of posts:33
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Can Someone tell me why this program is not doubling the numbers 64 times ?
jLBorges I coudnlt rub your code it says there is an error

Can Someone tell me why this program is not doubling the numbers 64 times ?
well lastchance's solution dosent make the user type 1 then doubles it just dos it and I don't thin...

Can Someone tell me why this program is not doubling the numbers 64 times ?
like if the user types 1 it will double the number by2 64 times

Can Someone tell me why this program is not doubling the numbers 64 times ?
is there a way to do it just with loops or if statements ? to make it more simple code

Can Someone tell me why this program is not doubling the numbers 64 times ?
well when I type 1 it only doubles it one time 1 to 2 how can I make it do that 64 time ? just lik...

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User: KVin

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