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User profile: Jko89hj

User info
User name:Jko89hj
Joined:Jun 2, 2014 at 4:03pm
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Please guide me in solving my problem
I am a beginner, learning and self taught. I've written the following program for electronic calcula...

Equastion to select at the beginning of the program
I am a beginner and self taught. I've written the following program for electronic calculations. I w...

C++ Compiler for Chromebook
I have an Acer Chromebook and wondered if anyone has used any of the C++ compilers in the Google app...

Return a sequence of equations to the beginning of the program
Thank You!!!!! John

Return a sequence of equations to the beginning of the program
I am using MS Visual C++ 2010. I have written an equation that works fine. There are two additional ...

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User: Jko89hj

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