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User profile: Jims

User info
User name:Jims
Name:James Januszka
Location:Chelmsford UK
Bio:Scruffy looking Nerf-herder.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Feb 21, 1978
Joined:Feb 19, 2015 at 5:36am
Number of posts:25
Latest posts:

First Time Gun Buyer, need some advice
When I said I dont know much about guns I was wrong, I know loads about guns from playing computer g...

First Time Gun Buyer, need some advice
Dont know much about guns myself, but as this is a C++ programming site, I can only suggest a gun wi...

Can't return to int main()
Also all the variable you use in WriteResults() have gone out of scope by the time the program gets ...

Can't return to int main()
Did you delete the call to main()on line 67?

Can't return to int main()
Your AskRateAndHours function has a call to main() (line 67) which is forbidden by the c++ standard....