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User profile: JayhawkZombie

User info
User name:JayhawkZombie
Old user name:JayZom
Location:Lawrence, KS
Bio:Study: Graphics, Real-Time Graphical Effects and Simulation

Grad Student, working toward my Ph.D.

Languages: C, C++, Python
Statistical data
Birthdate:Nov 28, 1992
Joined:Sep 20, 2014 at 6:41pm
Number of posts:738
Latest posts:

cpuid and frequency/cores
I think using WinAPI will be more useful to you (or at least easier to use): https://msdn.microsoft....

How does the scope operator actually work?
http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/static There is no heap keyword.

How does the scope operator actually work?
It is the scope resolution operator. You need to use it to access anything declared within its name...

Nth prime number calculation
Secondly, not addressing other issues, you aren't [i]assigning[/i] the value to [code]num[/code]. Y...

Nth prime number calculation
Firstly, please use code tags. Your code is painful to read without. [code]#include "stdafx.h" #incl...