User profile: Jayhawk

User info
User name:Jayhawk
Location:Lawrence, Kansas
Bio:As a computer science major, I spend much of my time writing code for various tasks, largely in C++. With a strong background in mathematics, I make extensive use of mathematical concepts in my code. I am currently studying to work with graphics, but also have an interest in cryptography and security. When I'm not coding, I like to play video games (or write them), and play with my dog, who seems to have an endless supply of energy.
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

How did you learn C++?
All of that really depends on your style of learning. Many complex problems can be solved using bas...

how to search string and ignore cases?
The find function will search for a specific string, but it will be case sensitive. You could read ...

What's wrong with my code?
What you did was declare an array of strings. You might want to use an array of characters instead. ...

new c++ user array printing
Visual studio should work fine. Many of us on here use Code::Blocks. I set MAX = 5 so that I didn'...

new c++ user array printing
That is strange. When I set MAX = 5, I get this: Enter numbers: 1 1 1 1 1 1 Program ended with exit...