User profile: J Maurice

User info
User name:J Maurice
Location:Grenoble - France - Europe
Bio:old programmer but new to Visual Studio and all Microsoft's stuffs
Number of posts:19
Latest posts:

loadlibrary() crashes
I apologize I am off the office for a week and I haven't the code at home so I can't give you the pi...

loadlibrary() crashes
Hi, I am upgrading a huge solution (25 projects, 250klines) from VS2005 to VS2010. I am working o...

after VS2005 -> VS2010 can"t open DLL
Hi, I am upgrading a huge solution from VS2005 to VS2010. In this solution, 4 projects built DLL....

where is defined __w64 ?
I am working with VS2010 on a Win7-64 Laptop to build a win32 app. I have an issue in sourceannotat...

VS2010 : syntax error in sourceannotations.h !!
Hi, I come back on this topic. I think the problem is that _W64 is not defined. I went on all the l...

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User: J Maurice

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