User profile: JO1962

User info
User name:JO1962
Bio:My name is Jack and I'd would like to share with you a little about my favourite city, and also about me. Of course, my favourite city, is the place where I grew up and it is Black Creek, situated in a fantastic Wilson county, in a big NC state. These information are just a start and now, it's time for some more complicated details! 981520 is the official GNIS number of my city, 35,6351589 and -77,9330403 are the exact numbers for the latitude and longitude. Finally, the total number of the population in 2010 was 769. What I should tell you about me is that I love watching Prison Break. That's enough! see ya!
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Virtual class program C++ starts now, please subscribe.
Maybe we will create a group where we will share materials and stuff?

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User: JO1962

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