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User profile: JCED

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User name:JCED
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Birthdate:May 8, 1994
Joined:Jul 25, 2009 at 4:49pm
Number of posts:118
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C++ Homework
It would be beneficial to make a homework room because it would be easier to ignore them if they're ...

Calling derived class functions from a base class
Thanks, everything works nicely now. (and thanks for explaining why) :)

Calling derived class functions from a base class
Here is what I'm trying to do: [code]#include <iostream> class Base { public: Base() ...

lazy article
[quote]There's something I don't like though -- CTRL ALT F1-6 are TTYs but CTRL ALT F7 takes you bac...

I'm still here
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ZOMG I've always pronounced it "zombie god", though I don't know wh...