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User profile: Ikaros

User info
User name:Ikaros
Joined:Aug 28, 2012 at 1:43pm
Number of posts:22
Latest posts:

Shift and multiply elements of large array
Hi, I have a large array and I should shift and multiply certain elements of this array. The problem...

Template function which accepts only certain template parameters
Hi have been thinking that is it possible to have template classes with template functions such that...

Searching for a container with multiple keys
Yes, Thanks for all of you! Especially for @JLBorges. I have no idea what was wrong but made some th...

Searching for a container with multiple keys
It initializes some structures like matrices and objects which are members of the class. read, high_...

Searching for a container with multiple keys
read() function reads a file with some parameters and this map / storage structure should store basi...

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User: Ikaros

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