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User profile: HenriK

User info
User name:HenriK
Name:Henri Korpela
Location:Finland (Suomi), Hämeenlinna
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Birthdate:Nov 18, 1994
Joined:Apr 14, 2011 at 7:26pm
Number of posts:136
Latest posts:

Reading file including already set byte shift?
OK, I see. Then I guess I have understood byte shifting. Thanks a lot!

Reading file including already set byte shift?
Could you please elaborate?

Reading file including already set byte shift?
Hello, fellow programmers! I was wondering if it could be possible to read a file including byte ...

GLFW - How to do this?
Hi there, dear programmers! I just got into [b]GLFW[/b]. Created a window, handled some input... ...

How make C++ programs (command line -related)?
OK, now I'm beginning to understand why these arguments are as parameters in [b]main()[/b] -function...

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User: HenriK

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