User profile: HOWDOIAIM

User info
Bio:I play far too many video games.
I wish to work at valve when I grow up
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Getting my program to print out users saving of every year not just the last year
First of all, please surround your code with the [code ][ /code] (Remove the spaces)tags, it makes t...

Creating an array with random letters
I don't think there is really any way to generate random characters, but typecasting random numbers ...

Creating an array with random letters
First of all, please learn to use tags, it'll make your code easier to read

Newbie would like some C/C++ advice.
1)You don't have to. 2)Try learning some simpler languages first, to learn some general syntax. Java...

CodeBlocks SDL: "ld.exe cannot find -lSDLmain"
I'm an idiot. I just realized that the global compiler setting were set to the wrong linker tabs/ d...

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