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User profile: Guzfraba

User info
User name:Guzfraba
Joined:Nov 1, 2012 at 5:05pm
Number of posts:115
Latest posts:

Bubble sort optimization - or not ?
I did the test with 10 times more numbers and get now 19(no optim.), 14.5(j--) , 17(last swap) secon...

Bubble sort optimization - or not ?
Any idea ?

Bubble sort optimization - or not ?
Hi there. I'm trying to understand possible optimization methods for the bubble sort algorithm. I kn...

Problem with reading from FILE*
What a shame, that was the problem indeed. It seems the first string returned from "tasklist" comman...

Problem with reading from FILE*
I'm trying to delete last two characters in every string from strs container. Ignore the couts in my...