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User profile: GrantPlusPlus

User info
User name:GrantPlusPlus
Bio:I just started teaching myself C++ and I need a place to get answers to the questions about making functions, classes, objects etc...
Joined:Aug 5, 2013 at 1:51am
Number of posts:35
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I'm sure we will be remembered for some positive things. For example, as the last few generations sa...

Contribute to stacksofcode.com
Yeah, I was thinking of doing that. Right now, because we are so small, I don't mind checking and up...

Contribute to stacksofcode.com
A friend of mine and I, are making a website called stacksofcode.com. On it we are making small g...

Ever play with some hobby Operating systems?
If you want a very large list of hobby OSs to try go here: http://wiki.osdev.org/Projects From what...

best math and comp sci jokes are a go!
Q. Why do computer scientists mix up Halloween and Christmas? A. Because Oct. 31 = Dec. 25