User profile: Graduate

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User name:Graduate
Number of posts:5
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How to display all files, subfiles and directories
Dear Sir JLBorges, you wonderful C++ wizard! THANK YOU! It great works!!! I want to say thanks to th...

How to display all files, subfiles and directories
JLBorges, hello! There are two errors: Error E0167 argument of type "WIN32_FIND_DATAA *" is incompat...

How to display all files, subfiles and directories
Unfortunately, this is the task, only WinAPI... Well will try to do this. Thanks all <3

How to display all files, subfiles and directories
Repeater, thank you! But i wrote "without Boost/Filesystem/dirent.h and etc" and "using WinAPI only"...

How to display all files, subfiles and directories
I know about FindFirstFile/FindNextFile, so how can i display along the path, for example, C:\Progra...

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User: Graduate

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