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User profile: Flinch

User info
User name:Flinch
Joined:Aug 26, 2008 at 9:42am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Need assistance with beginner collision code
Zaita, I would appreciate that! Please do. Mal, I'm going to try the idea with notepad++. I actua...

Need assistance with beginner collision code
I've been working on the possible solution of a missing brace, no luck yet. Thank for your input tho...

Need assistance with beginner collision code
I have done quite a few things without allegro, my interests just push me into it. It's so tempting ...

Need assistance with beginner collision code
I have taken quite a few hours to investigate this myself. I am very new to C++ and have only found ...

I'm new to this, and I have a question.
I've only ever written some basic flash coding and have been looking into C++ with a huge interest. ...