User profile: Fillip F

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User name:Fillip F
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

odd and even mouse clicks
The way we were taught to do it today was with all the if's, i agree its not very efficient and i wi...

odd and even mouse clicks
We've been tasked to make a tic-tac-toe game but it seems like were all getting stuck on alternating...

trying to figure out why my function isnt working
Yeah just noticed your reply. Im new to programming and we were taught to use <= and type the code t...

Code keep getting exception thrown error.
Thanks alot i was so confused why it wasn't running it anymore was getting pretty upset so i went t...

Code keep getting exception thrown error.
been trying to run this code which i had some help cleaning up but now it wont run at all and i keep...

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User: Fillip F

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