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User profile: Falconsoft

User info
User name:Falconsoft
Name:Aaron Wise
Bio:Just hoping to get a team together to design a program that will make millions of dollars.

But i need some help and i'll pay you all the profits i make from selling the product plus a additional amount of money from my other job.

We can start a thriving company and make lots of money Falconsoft Industries will be happy to get all the help it can recieve.

Now I know that even if the members of the company are in different places around the world we can make a great success i'll begin work on the website immediately.

Please help if you want a job.

I have thought my plan out well for the business and i do not in any way what so ever wish for or intend on failing and crashing and burning and going out of business, but rather to erase all the competition on the software market.

I am not a highly skilled programmer but i am a smart one and very clever at interface design and art and audio design.

we can contact each other over viber or yahoo instant messenger.

were currently developing a dock, THE HAWK'S DOCK.
Statistical data
Birthdate:May 25, 1991
Joined:Dec 31, 2011 at 8:30am
Number of posts:30
Latest posts:

Sorry if this is the wrong area for this topic but i need a team
did you even read my previous post?

Sorry if this is the wrong area for this topic but i need a team
well what about G-antivirus?

Sorry if this is the wrong area for this topic but i need a team
@Albatross: wrong it's been done before clearly you never heard of GAntivirus yes that one is made i...

Sorry if this is the wrong area for this topic but i need a team
actually that's where your wrong i did it with game maker with a few DLLs in game maker 7.0 Pro, for...

Sorry if this is the wrong area for this topic but i need a team

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User: Falconsoft

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