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User profile: Faff

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User name:Faff
Joined:Nov 3, 2010 at 11:48pm
Number of posts:53
Latest posts:

Stop printing when meet Space or endl?
@hamsterman: it worked :) , sry seems like the txt file contained nameJos ... Really Thanks! :D ...

Stop printing when meet Space or endl?
Hmm, I suppose this does answer my example, but with my current programming experiance, this looks l...

Stop printing when meet Space or endl?
Uhm it sort of is :p But I'm trying to make this to gain more experiance with .txt editing. So if ...

Stop printing when meet Space or endl?
My appologies for not answering your second question. Let's assume we have a list like this : [q...

Stop printing when meet Space or endl?
@Framework: x becomes 4 when if finds 'name' in the txt file :) @hamsterman : Somewhere I knew I ...

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User: Faff

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