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User profile: DeadH34d

User info
User name:DeadH34d
Bio:Buff Dogg said:

"[quote]You spelled "elegant" wrong. ;)[/quote]

Of course he spelled it wrong. Did you forget what kind of website this is? Programmers can't spell."

Joined:Sep 7, 2009 at 5:33pm
Number of posts:69
Latest posts:

Return value for function
Awesome, that was it. Thanks a ton catcat.

Return value for function
I'm trying to write a program to list the notes in a scale, based on input from the user. Here's wha...

Referencing a Matrix within a String
I'd like to calculate every time, as I want to add more scales and variations as I get the program f...

Referencing a Matrix within a String
Let me start by saying, I've been on a two-year hiatus from C++(my knowledge of C++ was pretty lacki...

Building next computer, need useful links
Thanks much helios. Kudos.