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User profile: Dazzer

User info
User name:Dazzer
Joined:Aug 20, 2015 at 10:31am
Number of posts:73
Latest posts:

How to start with audio plugin GUI design?
Hi folks, I'm interested in learning C++ for audio plugin design, but I'm a bit unusual in that i...

Simple Win32 Hello World: RegisterClassEx
[quote]The registration is the same. The only difference is the treatment of the return value. In th...

Simple Win32 Hello World: RegisterClassEx
Ah, thanks, 0! is true, i forgot that, now it makes more sense! Sorry, i have a couple more (really...

Simple Win32 Hello World: RegisterClassEx
Hi folks, I'm taking a look at a simple Win32 Hello World example in VS2015. I have a question ab...

What is a "widget"?
OK! So everything that one sees and interacts with in a GUI is a widget? So it's actually just a ge...

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User: Dazzer

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